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Testimonials Page 7
I am writing from Paw-Paw, Inc. in Phoenix, AZ. We have a kitty named Mitchell; he is a three year old polydactyl. He has a disorder known only as self mutilating behavior. He has no skin disease, no fungus or parasites, no earmites,and no viruses which can be tested. The cats at this facility are on Nutro cat food; and filtered water. They are strictly indoors and are all fixed and current on their vaccines for upper respiratory, leukemia, and FIP. The Soft Paws have helped to protect his skin.
Mitchell has his beautiful pink paws; only real men can wear pink, you know! He looks so darn cute. He is still able to rub the fur off around his neck and face, but at least now he cannot break the skin, and that is a big, big help. I bet you never figured Soft Paws for this use. We can't thank you enough.
- Sherri Miller, Paw-Paw
Thank you for creating such a wonderful alternative to declawing. I've included a picture of Tony proudly wearing his Soft Paws for you to enjoy.
- Jennifer St. Arnauld
My cat is beginning to get used to them and I'm beginning to get used to putting them on her. I'm so glad these work because she really loves to scratch the rugs and that is not acceptable behavior. I've always had my cats declawed but that is not possible here (Yemen Republic). The vets will not do that so I'm learning something new, too. Thank you for a product that just might work after she gets used to it. I'm going to be recommending it to everyone I know.
- Katina A. Stanislav
I just wanted to write and tell you how much I love your product. There is no way I would ever put my cat thru the torture of declawing. Bought the hot pink, goes well with her color, she's a blue cream point. Think next time I will try the red. For anyone wondering how the cat will accept them I will tell you this. Put all ten on at one time and she never moved while doing it. Not once has she tried to take them off. Thanks again for such a wonderful alternative to pain.
- Larry Waldron
I received the soft paws today, and had them on Lucy with in 10 minutes. Please note, this cat purrs when I trim her claws, so the process of putting on the nail tips was uneventful. I'm a very fortunate cat owner. The hardest part was trying to figure out when I had the correct amount of glue (1/3 full) in the nail. But after applying the first few, I got the hang of it.
Afterwards, she groomed her paws off and on for about 20 minutes and was totally adjusted to them with in an hour. We got a perfect fit, so they are on good and tight. I doubt they will be falling off any time soon. She looks great in her new red nails and mommy's favorite chair is safe and sound. My husband said I should order a set of each color so we can alternate the colors on her toes. Maybe we'll save that snazzy look for the summer months. Both Lucy and I thank you for such a wonderful product.
- Gale Weins
Hi! I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with Soft Paws. I tell everyone about your product. You need to advertise more and let pet owners know that there is an alternative to declawing which is fast, safe and effective. I would like to see more colors become available as well. Please consider the color green which would complement many cats eyes and can also be used for holidays-(red/green for Christmas and St. Patrick's Day). If people realized how fun these covers can be as well as productive I'm sure they would use them. Thank you again for providing the soft paws-they saved me and my cat from going thru the ordeal of declawing. I just wanted to let you know how great I think Soft Paws are. I was hesitant at first but I am glad I tried them out. My Cornish Rex didn't realize that babies weren't scratching posts so I had to do something. I will not declaw a cat and you provided a safe alternative. It took me less then 10 minutes to apply them and she ignored them after 15-20 minutes. They have been on for a week now with not one problem. I hope that more people choose to use these instead of declawing.
I think you and my children thank you!!
- Cathy Williams
Thank you for such a wonderful product. My cat doesn't even know he has them on (however, he's 17 years old, so maybe he doesn't know much of anything anymore!!). I wish I had known about these long ago. They would have saved a lot of ruined furniture and some scratches on my head from when Shadow kneads me before he goes to sleep!! I am thrilled!!!!!!!
- Mary
The first thing I would like to say is your product is wonderful. I can't tell you enough how wonderful it is. My furniture has been ruined more than once, but I would not declaw my cats. I know how cruel it is, and I think it should be outlawed. I bought your "Lee Press On Nails" ( I love that) and can't say enough about them. You only have to apply the whole set once, and then replace the one's that fall off one at a time. I tell everyone I know about them, and hope they look into it, and not to make you ton's of money, but to hopefully never have to declaw another cat. By the way I do hope you make ton's of money, you deserve it. Can I buy stocks?????? Thank you again.
- Elaine L. Williams
I've had the soft paws on my aggressive three-year-old cat now for about three weeks and aside from the initial "what's this?" reaction, she's had no problem whatsoever with them! About a month ago, I was presented with the option to declaw her or get rid of her by my parents who just ordered new chair coverings. After a battle, I did a little internet searching and found your fantastic product. Once I received the package, I decided to enlist a vet's help, as the cat is none-too-fond of having her paws played with. Oddly enough, when I called PetSmart's VetSmart division, I was told that not only would the vet there not schedule an appointment to assist me, but that he did not believe in the product! I was shocked and happened to mention that they're developed by a vet, but still they refused to see me. The next vet I tried was a female who shared an office with another female vet. Although she hadn't seen Soft Paws ever, she was eager to help and try them out. Needless to say, they were easy to put on, she was enthralled, and my cat no longer faced painful surgery--a good deal all around. It's been three weeks, the new chair coverings have arrived, and although she has gone through the motions of scratching them, there has been no harm done to the chairs.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, you've saved my cat and I much aggravation, unhappiness, and money and I'm very grateful. I'll be ordering more!
- Katie Muzik
Thanks, they came in the mail last night. My cats don't get much attention anymore, since we now have two human children, and then it is usually not the kind of attention they like. I trimmed Topaz' claws, and she was in heaven. I put the nail caps on one paw, and she was still purring. By the time I got to the other paw, she wasn't purring, she was still happy with the attention, but a little nervous because one of the little humans was out of the tub. This morning, they were still on, and tonight at bathtime, I will do Mattie's nails. I plan to use my husband's electric hair trimmers to shave our carpet to an even level again, and then I will be able to really tell if the soft paws are working for us.
- Connie
We've been using Soft Paws on our cat for a year now. We love them. They last a very long time on our cat. We only have to change them about once a month. He's used to us touching his paws now, and the process goes pretty easy. I'm glad we had this option instead of declawing, which I'm aware messes up a cats balance. Thanks.....we love your product. We will continue to use them for the life of our current cat and other "babies" to come.
- Elena & Pierre Ardantz
Thank you so much for such a wonderful product. My wife and I recently decided to bring some cats into our home, and my life has been turned upside-down. I've never had cats before, and they know all the right buttons to push! These Soft Paws are going to be a sanity saver for me!
- Steve Wrona
Hello! The Soft Paws arrived on Monday, and after some struggling, we were able to get them onto both cats. So far, we've only had 2 come off. We'll be replacing them tonight. Im so happy to have them! No more affectionate clawings, or torn curtains and couches!!! I just wanted to say thank you for making Soft Paws available on the web. I live overseas on an Air Force base and I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been online. We just bought an Italian leather sectional and with two cats it probably wasn't the smartest idea. I'm totally against declawing because I love my cats to much to inflict such pain upon them and clipping their nails wasn't enough. Soft Paws is a great invention and a humane solution. The cats didn't even notice them half an hour after they were on. Next time I'll order colors!
- Amanda
Hello I just had to write to you.. We have always adopted our cats from shelters.. I have always been lucky with introductions between existing cat and new cat... Well in august of 2000 our older cat died and this Feb I decided it was time to get our depressed younger cat 4years old (whom we adopted declawed)a new Pal. We found a cute 3 legged 1yr. who was easy going at the shelter. I took her home and did slow intro as usual..well this easy going little cat decided to show us she had spunk and came out with all her claws put forward... and scared our existing cat to death! So we backed up a bit and started the slow intro over again... with one new item Soft Paws hot pink for our little feisty new "Pal" well here we are in mid May and they are getting along much better. Our existing cat(Figaro) thanks you for his intact rear end, New cat (Gigi) thanks you for saving her new found home! Our family thanks you a million times over for saving our sanity and for making such a great product. The Soft Paws really made the score even and gave us the peace of mind needed to let them out together. Thanks.
- Karie L.
I just received my order of Soft Paws for my 16 year old cat and they are wonderful. Very simple to apply and so far she has not lost one. My cat is my best friend and I love her to death, so I could never bring myself to declaw her, even though she has torn up many couches. She is a very intelligent girl, but just can't fight the urge to scratch. Our new sofa set has started to become a huge cat scratching post and I did not know what to do. My fiancé loves her, but also was very frustrated by watching our furniture being destroyed. I went on the Internet looking for help and came across your website. I wish I had found your product years ago! Thank you so much for such a wonderful product that helps us who love our animals. I cannot recommend your product enough!
- Audrey L. Rossi
I just got my first set of soft paws for my two cats, and wanted to say thank you. They are wonderful! My cats don't even seem to notice that they have them on, and now I can spend some money on good furniture. I can't believe I never heard of these before. I'm telling all of my friends!
- Valerie Francescato
I work in a pet adoption center and rescue cats and I am amazed by the number of people that don't know how inhumane declawing is. I never adopt cats to anyone who is considering declawing. I always recommend Soft Paws nail caps to everyone! I even made a poster and put pictures and info. about soft paws that I got out of a pet catalog. I discourage declawing and would never declaw any of my cats. I know most vets don't recommend it. I even put that on my poster, telling people it is a painful and inhumane procedure. I tell people try something painless and simple. Try Soft Paws nail caps. Although I have not used Soft Paws I plan to order 3 sets! 2 for my cats and 1 for my dog who always paws and scratches everyone. Many people come back to "Furburbia"(the pet adoption center) and tell me thanks because Soft Paws has worked so well for them. Now they too are telling their friends not to declaw, but try soft paws for both cats and dogs! Thanks. Now less people hurt their cats by declawing, instead they just order soft paws and they love the cute colors too. Great product! You're protecting many kitties from pain!
Thanks again!
- Megan Campbell
I just received the soft paws on Monday, and had my son hold the cats for me while I glued. As expected, my female put up a bigger fuss than the male. I have only lost 1 on each cat since Monday...which I thought was ok, since this was the first time...figuring maybe I didn't get enough glue on them, as a possibility.
As of right now, they are both doing just fine and have adjusted quite well. My female is the couch scratcher and I finally gave up trying to stop her. She is about 3 yrs old. My male used a scratching post, but I had to put them on him as well, due to the occasional cat fight.
I had made an appt for a tendonotomy for the female, but cancelled it. I have worked in vet offices, in the clinic of the Humane Society and have always thought the declawing was barbaric. I can't believe it is so accepted on a daily basis. I saw a cat lose his mind in pain, in his cage, and had to be put down after the declaw. It was awful, and have hated it ever since. I also find cropping ears equally as barbaric. I owned a Miniature Schnauzer for 11 years and she did just fine without her ears cropped.
I wish this country would proclaim declawing and ear cropping a crime. Thanks for letting me "vent."
- Carol Petrovich
We were surprise and pleased with quick/efficient customer service. (less than 48 hr. turnaround time) We don't trim nails regularly, so thought the task would be harder. A helpful tip for me...was to place each soft paw nail tip (open end up) in a strip of play dough. I filled each with adhesive, then applied one by one, to each nail. The playdough kept them from tipping and spilling glue! Now when I put my nail glue in the freezer..i'll wrap the play dough for the next application. Our cat doesn't even mind them on. Thanks a bunch!
- Paula Robinson
I've been using Soft Paws since March. At the time I first applied them, my kitten was 7 months old. I decided to try them, since my kitten wasn't using a scratching post, I had new furniture, and the declawing option wasn't an option for me (it's barbaric!). The first time I applied the Soft Paws was the hardest, and it wasn't overwhelmingly difficult. Subsequent applications are usually one at a time, as they fall off, thus easier. My cat's now a year old and the Soft Paws have been really successful. It takes only about 1 minute to replace one, and my cat endures it without much fanfare.
- Laura M. Horovitz, Savannah GA (And Taz, Mooney, Jackpot (JP) and Lil'Baby)
I received my Soft Paws on Saturday. Thought I had ordered clear but received blue - no big deal, my male cat thinks he's cool with blue toes! They were actually much easier to apply! I am excited to see how well they work...since I have new carpet & new furniture! Thanks so much for your help. The two females are going along like nothing happened.
- Cyndy Gilbert
They have worked better than anything else we have tried. Tried to just keep them trimmed--that worked until he started clawing an Amish quilt. Oops. Shirley has nooooooo sense of humor.
- Ben Conner
I recently purchased soft paws for both of my cats. I just wanted to thank you for making this wonderful product available over the Internet. They fussed a little bit when I first put them on but after a few days they didn't even realize they were there. They look adorable in their purple and red nails.
- Lisette Angelillo
Both of our kitties have adjusted completely. They both groomed their paws a bit right afterwards but began acting normal soon after. The kitty we were most concerned about (he's real scratcher) has been best--all 10 Soft Paws still on! The other kitty has had a few fall off, but that's because we cut his nails too short--before we read the directions! :) At any rate, they are both doing well. Also, while we originally purchased the blue on a whim, the colored nails turned out being better because I can see whether they are still on from across the room. Great bonus. Thanks for the solution.
- Amanda
I just placed my second order for Soft Paws they have worked beautifully - we have a very temperamental cat - who loves to sneak up and attack the others. So the claws are working and saving the hides of the other cats. Thank you. Great Product!
- Lori Martinez
At first I had my vet put soft paws on my cat and he tolerated them very well. A month later I ordered them from you, put them on the cat myself and he doesn't even seem to notice. This is a much better solution than declawing!
- Carl
Although I would like to accept my cat's claws without discrimination, I can't stand the many scratches that show up on my hands, arms and legs. Before I knew better, I was going to have my cats declawed! Luckily, I learned what the procedure entailed and quickly changed my mind. Then I read about Soft Paws and though it was a great idea. So I tried the product out and it is purrfect! My cats don't scratch me anymore, the furniture remains intact, kitty bath day is less traumatic, and best of all, my three kitties retain their sense of dignity and security because the still have their claws!! The cats don't mind the Soft Paws at all and even look so cute wearing the nice colors they come in! They are simple to apply it takes me about 10 minutes to put them on all three cats and they stay on for a couple of weeks at a time. I usually only have to replace 1 or 2 caps every week. This is absolutely the best compromise for cats and cat owners!! Thanks.
- April Nicewonger
I have had trouble with my three Persians for years. They have always systematically destroyed all couches and other upholstered items in my house, despite the fact that they also actively use their cat scratching posts. I am totally opposed to declawing though, so I thought I was stuck. I first found out about soft paws years ago when I saw a display at my vet's office, but I never got around to asking about them. I recently decided to move in with my significant other however, and he is not so thrilled about living with cats. I went online and found soft paws. I decided to give it a try since I could order the caps online and they were pretty cheap. They were pretty easy to apply once I got them, so I sat back to wait and see how the cats would react.
They didn't even know they were wearing them! Plus the caps stayed on remarkably well. I had to replace two caps after about 24 hours that had fallen off, but I'm pretty sure they fell off because I didn't have enough glue in them. All three of my cats have been wearing the caps for about a week now, and I've had no more problems. Soft Paws are the best thing I've ever discovered for my cats. Thanks a million.
- Margaret
The Soft Paws are Fantastic!!! He didn't even care when we put them on and I have less scratches now. I think I will put the fake nails on his back claws too though because he likes to kick. I really appreciate all of your advice.
- Julie A. Fogg
I have been using Soft Paws for a long time, almost 5 years. I think they are an excellent product, and a far better option than declawing.
- Diane Nottle
I just wanted to send you an e-mail to let you know that this product is fabulous! I have an older cat that I had declawed several years ago and it was a painful experience for both of us. When we adopted our kitten recently, I was very torn about doing it again since I really felt declawing to be somewhat inhumane. My vets(both women by the way) recommended that I try Soft Paws with the kitten and ordered them for me. To my delight and surprise, the kitten has had no problem adjusting at all! In fact, she doesn't even notice them. Thank you for providing this as an option to those of us who love both our furniture and our cats!!
- Pam Ruggear
I recently ordered soft paws for my three cats from your website. They have all taken to them well, and don't even seem to notice that they are wearing them. I also just bought a new leather sofa to celebrate my new found freedom from cat furniture destruction. Thanks.
- Maggie
We are having success with our first application of Soft Paws. We have two 11 year old cats. They have lived indoors exclusively their whole lives, and they have mauled furniture with delight the entire time. We figured that we'd live and learn. Our next cats would be declawed. We'd suffer through this delightful pair. Then we learned about Soft Paws. Not really expecting much, and expecting the cats would handily remove them or else be driven insane by the sensation of wearing them, we put them on three or four days ago. After application, they did what they normally do after nail clippings: they vigorously cleaned their "nails," and yanked on them with their teeth. The Soft Paws held. The cats pretty much ignored them after a while. A day later, we noticed that two nail caps were missing from one of the cats. We never found the missing nail caps. We reapplied with fresh soft Paws. These have held. The cats seem oblivious to them. The only novelty is they now have purple "nails." Thanks.
- Gregg Fedchak
Many, many thanks for Soft Paws! My 16 year old cat doesn't mind them at all and my new furniture is unmarked - which makes my husband happy too! Thanks!
- Donna
As a cat lover and lover of all animals, I applaud you for the information you have put out for all to see. Declawing is inhumane, and I can't believe that anyone who loves animals would perform such a procedure. I use little caps called Soft Paws on my kitty. He stays intact and so does my furniture. They do come off eventually just like nail tips and have to be replaced about every 5-8 weeks. If he were to ever get outside, he could still get up a tree and out of harms way. Thanks again!
- Lisa
I can't tell you how excited I was to find Soft Paws and as I read about them, I grew hopeful. I ordered them right away, and while I waited for them to arrive in the mail, I started randomly playing with my cat's paws to get her used to my touching them (yeah right). She still doesn't like me touching them but she lets me put Soft Paws on her (I have to sort of trap her with my body, but it really is a one-person job). I put them on a few at a time so she wouldn't go ballistic. She struggles a little bit, but as soon as the nail cap is on and I let go, it's as if nothing happened. She generally doesn't even seem to notice them at all, and she only chewed one of them off (due to my inattention). As long as I'm watching, I can distract her from doing that until the glue has dried. I proudly announce to all of my anti-declawing friends that I found an alternative that works. I'm telling everyone I know because I think it's a wonderful product and has really been great for me and my cat.
- Dianna Chicolte
Just wanted to say how great Soft Paws are, and what a wonderful idea and alternative to declawing! My Persian Cat, Kahlua, has shredded my stereo speakers, the carpet on my stairs, a chair, and many other household items. I just got a new couch and loveseat and was not going to spend all of that money to have it destroyed! So my friends and co-workers told me to get my cat declawed, it was the only solution! They all have their cats declawed and told me that alot of vets perform the procedure daily as if it is no big deal. Then I called my vet about the procedure and she told me she would NOT declaw any cat ever! That told me that there must be more to it than a mere daily procedure. So I did some research and came across your web site. I am so glad I did. My cat is like a kid to me. Having her declawed would have been like taking my child to the hospital for unnecessary plastic surgery!
- Stephanie Beck
I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with this product. We are "owned" by seven of the sweetest cats on the planet - four of them we've had for years and had them declawed when we first got them as that was the 'thing to do' at the time. Since then, we've learned what a cruel act declawing is, and when we adopted the last three over the past 4 months, we looked at Softpaws as an alternative. It has been absolutely fantastic! We were taking the cats to the vet to have them applied but thought I'd try it myself and ordered a kit. The application was much easier than I expected and my three new kitties are now all running around with hot pink toes! (I've found that the hot pink ones make it easy to see when a cat has lost a tip.) My declawed cats are safe from accidental injury when they play with the cats who still have their claws, and my house is safe from anyone who thinks that the furniture is a good place to sharpen! I am so pleased with this product and will continue to order it. This is the best pet product to come along in ages and I have been telling all of my cat-owning friends that this is something they should try.
- Cathy
I just signed on to order my third box of Soft Paws and felt I had to tell you how great I think this product is. I found Soft Paws through researching declawing on the Web as I was at my wits end with my female cats 8 years of using furniture as a scratching post. I used everything and every method to get her to quit, to no avail. Thank God you have the Soft Paws link on some of these declawing web articles. I ordered a box of them with some skepticism 6 moths ago. My cat is used to having her nails clipped since she was a kitten so three quarters of the battle was won. I was so surprised how easily the were applied and even more surprised how my cat hardly noticed them after they were on!!! Now and then around six weeks later I find a little red nail on the floor and no it's time again to apply and in less than a minute a new one is in place and harmony in the household is restored. THANK YOU for inventing such a truly GREAT product.
- Drew Milliken
I have been using Soft Paws for a year or so (Yes, I mean on my cat. You don't make them big enough of me.) They are great ! ! ! I read your article and found it informative but a little incorrect. Kitty showed up on the doorstep and wouldn't leave. She was very skittish and not at all a lap cat. Her feet are what made the difference in our relationship.
She wouldn't let me touch her in general. So I thought if I made her the alpha to my beta I might stand a better chance of bonding with her and she with me. So I first touched her by sliding my finger under her paw when she was quiet. By giving her the opportunity to claw me she was more secure. Soon we were easily holding hands. Still two years later holding hands is nicely intimate and something we do every day. Because of Soft Paws she can pat me. It is wonderful because the Soft Paws are so comfortable for me as well as Kitty. She has trained me. She sits on the arm of my chair, looks at her bag of treats off to my right. Looks me close in the eye and puts her right paw on my cheek and turns my head to look at the treats.
If she is missing a nail cover, without intent she pokes me, no treat. Something else your article lacked was the bonding we have when she can "knead" her claws on my leg or such. This "kneading" is cat sign language for "Mom" I am home. She even "kneads" in her sleep. It is very comforting to her to be able to do this and comfortable for me because the Soft Paws allow me to share this personal event without scratches. I think clear is the way to go for the first box or two. The clear caps let you see if the size is right and how the nail fits in them. They are the training pants of the claw world. We want out of the training pant stuff and into "big cats" Soft Paws. Thank you.
- Pamela
I have three, 11-year old cats. I am strongly opposed to declawing. I just moved into a house with my boyfriend and he was not thrilled with the idea of my cats clawing his furniture. My vet recommended Soft Paws. The first application was done by my vet. The cats adjusted with no problems. This is a fabulous alternative to declawing. Thank you for this wonderful product.
- C. Davidson (Devon, Rhonda and Teddie (kitties) thank you too!)
We are very pleased with the Soft Paws covers. All three of our girls now have them. The speed at which they came helped tremendously since two of our cats have a fighting tendency we thought this may soften the blows a little.
- Jerry
This is my first time applying Soft Paws and what a huge success! Thanks for your help ... and my leather sofa looks great!
- Lucy Anglin