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- October Hazards for Cats and Dogs: Keeping Your Pets Safe This Fall
It's important for pet owners to be mindful of potential hazards that could put their furry friends at risk.⇒read more
- Playtime Helps Relieve Holiday Stress in Pets
Learn about why holidays can stress pets and how play can help.⇒read more
- Cats and Zen
Cats are great at the art of Zen. Learn how.⇒read more
- How to Spruce up Old Cat Toys
You can get your cat to play with old, ignored toys using these tips.⇒read more
- Why Do My Cat's Claws Shed?
Learn about cats' claws and how they grow.⇒read more
- The Benefits of Adopting an Adult Dog
Adopting an adult dog can be a great idea, and it also helps the dog.⇒read more
- How to Behave at the Dog Park
Learn ways to prepare for a good time at the dog park.⇒read more
- Tips for Mixing House Guests and Canine Family Members at Thanksgiving
Dogs and houseguests sometimes don't mix as ideally as we'd like. Follow these tips for a great Thanksgiving with guests and your dog.⇒read more
- Can Your Cat Be the Perfect Thanksgiving Host?
Your cat can be a great Thanksgiving host with a little extra prep.⇒read more
- Is My Dog Bored?
If your dog is doing these things, boredom may be the cause.⇒read more
- Autumn Safety Tips for Dogs
Find out what to watch for to keep your dog safe during autumn.⇒read more
- Hyperthyroidism in Cats: How to Recognize and Treat It
Learn about the signs and treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats.⇒read more
- New York Becomes First State to Ban Declawing
Find out why New York has banned declaw surgeries and how else to stop cat scratching.⇒read more
- Tips for Giving a Cat a Bath
Does your cat need a bath? Find out when and how to bathe your cat.⇒read more
- How Much Should My Cat Sleep?
Find out how cats sleep, how much is normal, and how to tell if your cat is sleeping too much.⇒read more
- Why Does My Cat Play in the Food and Water Bowls?
There are reasons cats might bat at the water in their bowls or pull kibble out and drop it on the floor. Learn what they are and how you can modify the behavior.⇒read more
- Should Dogs Play Tug-of-War?
Most dogs can safely play tug-of-war. Learn the exceptions and the rules for safe tug-of-war with dogs.⇒read more
- Does My Cat Need a Grooming Appointment?
Learn more about when a cat needs to visit a groomer.⇒read more
- Heartworm in Dogs: What You Need to Know
Heartworm is more serious than you might know.⇒read more
- Destressing Vet Visits for Your Cat
Destress your cat's vet visits with these easy tips.⇒read more
- The Meanings of 6 Strange Dog Behaviors
Dogs and people don't always understand each other. Learn why dogs do six strange things.⇒read more
- 7 Ways Pets Make Humans Happier
Find out some of the ways pets help people be happier.⇒read more
- Summer Water Safety Tips for Dogs
Be diligent when your dog is around water. Learn water safety tips for dogs.⇒read more
- Cat Home Grooming Tips
Learn about home grooming in cats, including how often certain things should be done.⇒read more
- Is My Dog Sick?
Learn how to tell if your dog is sick.⇒read more
- Canine Leptospirosis
Learn how you can help protect your dog against lepto and recognize the signs if infected.⇒read more
- General Anesthesia and Your Pet
Your veterinarian can do things before, during, and after your pet's general anesthesia to make it safer.⇒read more
- Summertime Dog Safety
Summer can pose certain safety risks for dogs. Learn how to keep your dog safe.⇒read more
- Dog Bite Prevention Techniques
Learn dog bite prevention techniques for you and your kids.⇒read more
- Does Your Cat Have Separation Anxiety?
Learn about separation anxiety in cats, how to recognize it and ways to help your cat.⇒read more
- How to Give Your Pet a Pill
Gather some tips for giving pets pills before you start.⇒read more
- How to Keep Your Cat Off the Counter
Learn about cats and counters, including how to keep yours on the floor.⇒read more
- Why Do Cats Knock Things Off Shelves?
Find out why some cats like to knock things off high surfaces and how you can train a cat to stop doing it.⇒read more
- Ways to Make Your Indoor Cat Super Happy
Learn ways to keep your indoor cat from getting bored or stressed.⇒read more
- Aspirin Poisoning in Cats
Learn why you should never give your cat aspirin without a veterinarian's direct supervision.⇒read more
- Valentine's Day Safety for Cats: Video
This cute video will teach you how to celebrate Valentine's Day safely with your cat.⇒read more
- How Soft Paws® Can Help Ease Introductions
Learn how to introduce pets and how Soft Paws can make it easier.⇒read more
- Cats and Christmas Trees: How to End the Love Affair
The Christmas tree can be dangerous for your cat. Learn how to keep the cat out of the Christmas tree.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® Can Help Protect Doors and Walls from Cat Scratches
Your cat scratches walls and door frames for a reason. Learn why as well as how to reduce the damage.⇒read more
- Why Does My Cat Rub His Face on Things?
Learn about the common cat behavior of face rubbing or bunting here.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® Can Help Protect People on Blood Thinners and Others from Pet Scratches
Soft Paws may be able to help you keep your cat when a family member is at high risk from cat scratches.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® May Help People with Diabetes Keep Their Pets
If you're diabetic and your pet accidentally scratches you, Soft Paws might be able to help you.⇒read more
- People Who Are Allergic to Cats: How to Deal with Cat Allergies
Learn what causes cat allergies in people and how you can decrease an allergic person's discomfort around cats.⇒read more
- Hairballs: What Are They and Why Do Cats Get Them?
Learn more about hairballs in cats, what causes them, whether they're serious, and what to do about them.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® Can Help a Cat Adjust to a New Cat in the Home
Soft Paws can help keep you and your cats safer when they are being introduced to one another. Learn best practices for introducing cats here.⇒read more
- Help for Dogs That Drag Their Nails
Learn how you might be able to help protect your dog's dragged claws from injury and pain.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® Can Help Dogs with Painful Ear Infections
Soft Paws can help protect your dog from damaging himself while he's suffering from an ear infection.⇒read more
- How Soft Paws® Can Help Protect Kids
Teach your child to respect cats and use Soft Paws to protect from injury.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® Can Help with Dogs That Jump
Use Soft Paws on your dog to reduce scratching injuries while you are training him not to jump on people.⇒read more
- Green Pet Care
Green up your pet care routine with these tips, tricks, and ideas.⇒read more
- Common Household Poisonings in Pets
Learn how to keep your pet from falling victim to these common household poisonings.⇒read more
- How to Clean a Litter Box
Learn how to clean a litter box the quickest and easiest way.⇒read more
- Are Laser Toys OK for Cats and Dogs?
Learn the safety issues you must keep in mind when using laser toys around your pets.⇒read more
- Tips for Using Soft Paws Adhesive
Working with the Soft Paws glue is easy, but with a little practice, it will become second nature. Learn a few tips to help you work with the Soft Paws glue easier.⇒read more
- Dental Health Care for Pets
Find out what ignoring your pet's dental health can do to their health, and find out how to implement a good dental health care plan for your pet.⇒read more
- Causes, Signs, and Treatment of Stress in Cats
Cats that are stressed may engage in unwanted behaviors. Learn the symptoms, causes, and treatment of stress in cats.⇒read more
- What Is Feliway and How Does It Work?
Learn how Feliway can help your cat deal with stress and decrease unwanted behaviors associated with it.⇒read more
- How to Play with Your Cat: Interactive Is Best
Are you wondering the best way to play with a cat, so you both get the most benefit out of play sessions? Learn here.⇒read more
- Clicker Training for Dogs
Clicker training can help your dog learn faster.⇒read more
- Microchipping: What Is It and Why Should You Do It?
A microchip is a tiny device that can reunite a lost pet with her owner.⇒read more
- Leash Walking Your Dog: Basic Tips and Benefits
Learn why walking your dog is important, even if you have a big yard.⇒read more
- How to Exercise a Cat
Find three great ways to exercise a cat here.⇒read more
- Dog Training 101: General Tips for Successful Dog Training
Find some dog training hacks, to make the most of your dog training sessions.⇒read more
- Ways Soft Paws® Can Help an Older Dog
Learn the different ways that wearing Soft Paws can help your older dog do better and be more comfortable.⇒read more
- Halloween Safety Tips for Your Cat
Learn how to protect your cat from extra dangers that might be present during Halloween time.⇒read more
- Halloween Safety Tips for Your Dog
Learn about how you can protect your dog from the extra risks present around Halloween time.⇒read more
- How to Trim Your Dog's Nails
Learn how to get your dog used to having her nails trimmed.⇒read more
- Soft Paws® Myths: Busted
Learn more about the safety, cost, ease of use, and practicality of using Soft Paws on your cat.⇒read more
- Using Soft Paws® Can Increase Your Bond with Your Cat
Find out how keeping Soft Paws® on your cat or kitten could solve problems that harm the bond between you and your cat or kitten.⇒read more
- 4 Reasons We Love Kittens
There are more than four reasons to love kittens, but these are a wonderful start.⇒read more
- How to Towel Wrap Your Cat
Learn the technique for wrapping your cat in a towel so you can give meds, trim claws, or apply Soft Paws.⇒read more
- Don't Ignore These Signs of Illness in Your Kitten!
Cats and people can transfer ringworm back and forth to each other. Learn the signs of ringworm in cats so you can get your cat about right away.⇒read more
- Pets Other Than Dogs and Cats That Can Wear Soft Paws®
Soft Paws can help protect people and belongings from pets' claws. They can be worn by animals other than dogs and cats.⇒read more
- Why Do Cats Pee on Their Human's Bed?
Find out why your cat might be peeing on your bed and what you can do to stop this difficult behavior.⇒read more
- Increase Your Bond with Your Cat with Soft Paws®
Soft Paws® are safe, fast, and effective. They can improve your relationship with your cat, too.⇒read more
- 4 Common Cat Training Mistakes
You can train a cat, but you need to avoid these common cat training pitfalls.⇒read more
- How Can I Keep Soft Paws® on My Pet?
Soft Paws® are a great way to protect your belongings from pet scratching. Find out the best tips and tricks for keeping them on your pet's claws.⇒read more
- Using Soft Paws® on the Go
When traveling with pets, the chances that they may scratch hotel, rental, or host properties can be high. Using Soft Paws® can decrease these risks and ease the stress of traveling.⇒read more
- Fascinating Facts About Cat Claws
Cat claws curve in order to hold prey better. Learn more fascinating facts about cat claws in this informative article.⇒read more
- Using Soft Paws® for Your Pet's Medical Problems
Soft Paws® nail caps can be used to minimize self-inflicted scratching damage to dogs and cats. They are also helpful if a pet has a condition in which the nails are damaged.⇒read more
- Things Landlords Should Know Before Requiring a Tenant to Declaw Their Cat
If you're a landlord thinking about requiring cat tenants to be declawed or a tenant being asked to declaw your cat, take a look at this list of things to know first.⇒read more
- Cat Scratching, Declawing, and Rentals: How to Talk with Your Landlord About Declawing
If your landlord is requiring you to declaw your cat, take a look at this article to learn how to talk to him or her. Cat scratching can be managed without declawing.⇒read more
- Use Soft Paws® for Life Transitions
Pets may scratch during transitions that cause them stress such as new homes or introducing new pets. Soft Paws can help manage these transitions to decrease scratching damage.⇒read more
- Soft Paws®: The Quick and Cheap Declawing Alternative
There is a cheaper, faster solution to problem cat scratching than declawing that doesn't carry any of the risks. Discover claw caps and why they're a better solution than declawing cats.⇒read more
- Facts About Cat Claws That Relate to the Use of Soft Paws®
If you're worried about your cat getting an infection or an ingrown claw while wearing Soft Paws, we have some information for you.⇒read more